Story: My mom bought this for me at a garage sale in Illinois back in the early 1990s. The woman running the sale sold it to us for $30 and said a family member (father maybe?) worked for the Dodgers during that time and got the team to sign the ball during the World Series in either '77 or '78. Using and simply googling for other autograph exemplars leads me to believe this is the real deal. While I can't verify the ball was signed during the World Series, I can confirm it's from the '77 team based on the collected signatures listed below. Ed Goodson's last season with the team was 1977 and Lance Rautzhan's first (and rookie) year with the team was 1977, meaning the only time those two would likely be on the same ball would be 1977. The ball itself is also from 1977 according to this site - The key indicator for identifying the age of the ball is the "Dot Dating System". In 1977 the balls have 2 dots under "Haiti" which is under the Rawlings logo. 1977 was the first year Rawlings made baseballs for MLB, taking over for Spalding. You can read more about the history of baseball making here - In 1978 Rawlings would begin to print a commemorative World Series logo. Back to the 1977 series, the home team would supply the baseballs. The Dodgers would have baseballs with RO-N (Rawlings Official - National) and the Yankees RO-A (Rawlings Official - American). Adding to this is American League balls were stamped in blue while National League balls were stamped black.
If it is a World Series ball, it would have come from Games 3, 4, or 5. Speaking of those signatures, here's what I found for each signature: